Discover How an Ex-minor Created Impactful Companies From Scratch

Sergio Centeno
3 min readNov 10, 2021

Are you wondering how you can start and run a successful company? Well, worry no more because, in this article, you will learn how to start and grow your business. Having flexibility with your schedule, being your own boss, and financial rewards that come with owning a business are enough reasons to start your company. Starting a business from the ground up doesn’t have to be complicated with enough planning and hard work. Joshua Kalinowski teaches people what they need to know when setting up a company. Josh is the CEO and founder of several companies extending from real estate to health and fitness. He is an entrepreneur, coach, and real estate investor who combines the spiritual guidance of John C Maxwell with the mental courage of Tony Robbins. Josh leads himself and other people to find greater meaning and purpose by living a life of extraordinary impact, influence and faith.. Three elements Josh uses to grow his business are focusing on his strengths, defining his goals and practicing passion.

#1 Focus On Strengths

Josh always focuses on his strengths rather than his weaknesses. When starting a company, you should create it to support your strengths. Concentrating on your strengths makes you more successful. This principle of focussing on your strength applies to your personal and career life. What are you good at doing? Sharpen the areas that you are good at and improve on those you are weak. Becoming a pro in your field requires you to understand the patterns of creating success. After understanding those patterns, duplicate this success to other parts of your organization.

In order to be successful, Josh focused on what creates success. He understood he would gain more from working on his strengths than his weaknesses. He now teaches other business people to accept their shortcomings and work hard to compensate for them. Josh learned early on successful people do not spend all their time working on what is not working. They isolate what is working and focus on the steps that create success. Moreover, Josh believes that tests and failures become the story by which we can obtain life’s greatest lessons therefore, he encourages people to embrace them because they make success.

#2 Define Personal Goals and Purpose

The reason why many businesses fail is that they do not have clear goals. If you want to become successful, you must define your personal goals and purpose as early as possible. Josh believes your personal goals and objectives can help drive your business goals. The benefit of defining your personal goals is focus. Having focus allows you to make tough decisions, lead your employees, and cast the vision for the future. Goals also drive motivation, increase your morale and help measure success. Goals also help you take ownership and pride in the workplace and increase your company’s productivity.

#3 Be Passionate

Josh’s passion for people and life drove him to success. Passion allows you to completely dedicate yourself to make your business work no matter how hard the process may be. Many entrepreneurs fail to succeed because they lack passion for their businesses. An entrepreneur cannot survive without passion. The grind of building a business from the ground up takes a physical, mental, and emotional toll. Passion is key to overcoming failures and fear. Moreover, passion gives you the motivation to persevere through hardships and maintain a perspective of long-term success. Finally, practicing passion builds trust between you and your clients and allows them to appreciate your integrity.

If you want to know more about growing your company and increasing your revenue, message Josh at or DM him on Instagram, Linkedin or Facebook.

